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Health Systems and Providers

Neither primary care providers nor specialists have enough time in the day to take care of their patients and deal with the administrative burden caused by overlapping and often conflicting mandated tasks.  No wonder it takes a long time to get an appointment, patients have consistent gaps in their care, and providers are burning out and leaving practice.

Blue Agilis’ Smarter Workflows address these issues in a variety of ways:

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Our proprietary Assessment Tool can quickly identify where gaps exist within your team's workflows that can address your most urgent issues.
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Our Smart Assist creates improved workflows tailored to the uniqueness of your organization and focused on:
Consolidate and simplify workflows to eliminate unnecessary work while addressing the issues creating gaps in care.
Earn streamlined prior authorization by demonstrating consistent workflows and outcomes.
Route the work to the best team member to perform that work.
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Our ability to collect and analyze real-time feedback and monitor real-time trends gives your teams the ability to continuously monitor their workflows and quickly pinpoint areas within the process that aren't working, so appropriate adjustments can be made and you don’t fall short in meeting your goals.

We know healthcare is the business of humans, taking care of humans. We know the daily whirlwind your staff faces, and we know the current state of healthcare – high burnout and turnover. Because of this, we offer services and/or staff augmentation to help your teams get started, if needed.

Blue Agilis accelerates improvement in all of these cases and many more.

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A black doctor smiling wearing a stethoscope treating a patient.