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Payers and ACOs

Payers and ACOs recognize their ability to succeed depends on providers actively managing the care of their patients. With growing emphasis on Total Cost of Care and STAR ratings driven by member satisfaction and quality outcomes, they need to be even more effective at making providers partners in improving the value they deliver.

Blue Agilis’ Smarter Workflows address these issues in a variety of ways:

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Our proprietary Assessment Tool can quickly identify where gaps exist within your team's workflows that can address your most urgent issues.
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Our Smart Assist creates improved workflows tailored to the uniqueness of your organization and focused on:
Quickly identify and improve the processes with the greatest impact on value performance.
Increase the capacity and effectiveness of provider success / performance improvement staff and equip them to get better provider engagement.
Evaluate provider practices based on their ability to accept risk successfully and contract with them accordingly.
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Our ability to collect and analyze real-time feedback and monitor real-time trends gives your teams the ability to continuously monitor their workflows and quickly pinpoint areas within the process that aren't working, so appropriate adjustments can be made and you don’t fall short in meeting your goals.

We know healthcare is the business of humans, taking care of humans. We know the daily whirlwind your staff faces, and we know the current state of healthcare – high burnout and turnover. Because of this, we offer services and/or staff augmentation to help your teams get started, if needed.

Blue Agilis accelerates improvement in all of these cases and many more.

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